This Saturday 30 March is
Earth Hour
Once again this year we will participate in “Earth Hour”, a campaign promoted by the WWF which will take place next Saturday 30 March from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm and which aims to demonstrate the importance of getting everyone involved in the fight against climate change.

The initiative was born as a symbolic gesture and has become a movement followed by people and companies around the world. So once again we are taking part under the slogan: “Every little gesture counts, turn off the light for the planet! Let’s illuminate nature”.
The Vincci Hotels director of Quality and Sustainability, César Pérez, explains that “often small gestures and day-to-day work can lead to important overall results”. “Therefore we need to create a habit and be consistent with certain actions that, at first glance, are not very relevant individually, but that together, can achieve a substantial improvement in our environment”.
From our beginnings we have implemented a global model of sustainable growth that advocates respect and care for the environment in which we carry out our activity both in our headquarters and in each of our establishments. Since our creation in 2001, we have undertaken a series of commitments regrading respect for our social and environmental surroundings and we have implemented different courses of action included in our Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan and in our Annual Sustainability Report, which we publish every year.
At Vincci Hotels we believe it is essential to integrate quality and environmental management in each of its hotels; to identify and comply with local, regional, state and European regulations in this area; prevent, as much as possible, pollution; and promote the saving of energy and natural resources, both at the chain level and individually at each hotel. That is why all processes are underlined by a firm environmental and social commitment which we have conveyed to both employees and suppliers.
The implementation of an Environmental Management System following the ISO 14001 international standard throughout our European portfolio has enabled he chain to catalogue all the environmental aspects generated by our activity and to promote environmental protection and the prevention of pollution. The different practices carried out in these areas can be consulted on the corporate website Vincci Sustainable & Responsible Hotels. We also collaborate in the implementation of programmes and activities aimed at meeting the needs of the communities where we carry out our activity.
It’s very simple to sign up, you can do it here
The lights and appliances in your home
Follow these tips to reduce your ecological footprint.