Mision, Vision and Values 2019-11-28T10:32:27+01:00



Since the beginning, our main goal has been quality and excellence, which means offering each one of our customers an unforgettable experience. Likewise, fully aware that what we do today has its consequences for the future, we are firmly committed to respecting the environment in the hope that we can preserve it for future generations.


We face our future with enthusiasm and the confidence of a job well done. Our intention is to remain as a leading company in the tourism sector, exceeding the expectations of every customer and satisfying all their needs. Aspects such as quality, creativity, transparency and social and environmental commitment are what guide us and will continue to define our path.


We face our future with enthusiasm and the confidence of a job well done. Our intention is to remain as a leading company in the tourism sector, exceeding the expectations of every customer and satisfying all their needs. Aspects such as quality, creativity, transparency and social and environmental commitment are what guide us and will continue to define our path.

We are open to new technological trends and we have the best management and booking IT systems and equipment in place. Also, our search for service excellence ensures we have the best professionals working for us, who receive training in the latest innovations.

Each Vincci establishment has its own personality and aims not only to meet, but also to exceed, the expectations of our customers. We don’t want to be like other hotels, we uphold our own identity. Each establishment is adapted to its surroundings, following common quality standards.

Our workers are the mainstay of the company and allows us to achieve the highest quality standards to make the customer feel at home. Our workers adopt the values of the group, which in turn seeks to enhance their creativity and engagement. The key to the company’s success lies in the good work carried out every day by each of the teams that comprises it.

The tradition of a hotel group of the category of Vincci Hotels has to be supported by the latest technological advances and a team trained to achieve its maximum potential for the business to run properly.

Our processes are underlined by a firm environmental commitment, which we have managed to transfer to both employees and suppliers. Our Environmental Management System, which is continuously in review, allows us to minimize any environmental impact. Moreover, Vincci Hotels is known for not turning its back on social needs, contributing to society through programmes and activities aimed at improving the community where it operates.

All our hotels are located in areas of high value for their tourist offering, monuments, landscape or history, which offers added value for all our customers. We combine comfort with modernity, and our surrounding are a hallmark of our establishments, which have been designed and decorated respecting the idiosyncrasies of the places where they are established. The result is hotels with their own personality that reflect the culture of the place where they stand.

Customers are aware that our establishments can offer them something more than what they would find in a conventional hotel. From the first moment they become immersed in a Vincci experience, which constitutes our best introduction.