Indicators 2019-11-18T11:39:54+01:00



Travel starts and ends with a person’s will to do so, so it is essential that responsibility starts with the traveller. The Manifesto is a document that any traveller can use as a personal test, both before embarking on a new trip and afterwards to find out how they can improve.

The Responsible Traveller Manifesto


To promote the optimal consumption of resources in each of the departments of the establishments, we periodically prepare internal communications, posters and best practice manuals. The equipment and facilities related to these aspects are reviewed according to our Maintenance Plan, which includes daily, weekly and monthly tasks in all the facilities of our establishments.

Our Works and Maintenance Department analyses and measures the needs of each hotel to determine the measures to be taken and the investment required. A constant cycle of monitoring, control and adjustment to achieve continuous improvement in our procedures, in the search for optimal, more efficient and sustainable control of our facilities and the resources used in them. The responsible consumption of natural resources is fundamental not only because of the cost savings involved, but also because of the consequences intrinsic to their limited supply

If you want more information, click here.


The European Commission has established the goal of increasing the recycling and/or reuse of urban waste by up to 70% and recycling 80% of packaging waste by 2030. In line with this target, Vincci Hotels has been working for several years on the separation at source and recovery of waste generated by its activity.

Both in our hotels and in our head offices we separate and organize waste for selective collection, thus facilitating its responsible management.

At Vincci Hotels we manage our waste responsibly and for this we have contracts with authorized waste management companies and also use municipal collection services for optimal process management, ensuring we use the best waste management company through the centralization of contracts.

For our organization the correct separation of waste is a priority in order to recycle as well as possible.

That is why we work to raise awareness among all our employees through the creation of best practices and the use of posters in waste rooms. Engaging our workers in this regard is key. A correct aptitude and attitude on the part of our workers directly affects the success of our non-hazardous waste management, whose generation in Vincci Hotels can be seen in this table.

Another of our control tasks is focused on the consumption of amenities due to the impact this has on both chemical products and generated waste.

If you want more information, click here.


To promote the optimal consumption of resources in each of the departments of the establishments, we periodically prepare internal communications, posters and best practice manuals. The equipment and facilities related to these aspects are reviewed according to our Maintenance Plan, which includes daily, weekly and monthly tasks in all the facilities of our establishments.

Our Works and Maintenance Department analyses and measures the needs of each hotel to determine the measures to be taken and the investment required. A constant cycle of monitoring, control and adjustment to achieve continuous improvement in our procedures, in the search for optimal, more efficient and sustainable control of our facilities and the resources used in them. The responsible consumption of natural resources is fundamental not only because of the cost savings involved, but also because of the consequences intrinsic to their limited supply.

If you want more information, click here.


The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that shows the absolute sum of all Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions expressed in equivalent carbon units (CO2eq), directly or indirectly attributable to an individual, organization, event or product.

It is the mark that is left on the environment by each activity that emits GHG, but its calculation is not only a measurement of the CO2 emitted, but also encompasses all greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

As a result of the poor level of consistency in carbon emission reports issued by companies in the tourism sector, the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI) was created, a common methodology for measuring and reporting these emissions that was adopted by 23 world leading organizations in the sector, at the request of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and the International Tourism Association, and with the technical expertise of the consultancy KPMG.

The Quality and Environment Department of Vincci Hotels was responsible for calculating the 2016 carbon footprint of each of our hotels using this methodology, allowing us to check the performance by geographic location. This measurement helps us set more optimal and effective emission reduction objectives and policies, as well as cost-saving initiatives.

If you want more information, click here.